Friday, September 30, 2011

Stationery card

Posy Bouquet Birth Announcement
Personalized cards for babies, Valentines, Easter and Mother's Day.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Kansas!

It's been so long, I'm not even going to attempt to catch up with everything from the holidays. They were good and Solomon is much richer in Thomas the Train items.
Below is a photo of him from Kansas Day today. They asked the kids to dress up like cowboys or Indians. I always laugh when I hear "Indians" b/c he really is 1/2 already.. just the other kind, right?! :) So, I went for the cowboy. He even gave me a cheesy smile this morning! He liked the hat. I wonder how long that lasted? :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's been a long time..

We've been so busy lately.. I always say that, but in the past two months, we've moved out of our house into a new house. Alex and I have been working a million hours, and I was out of town for a good chunk of a week, and then we've had to continue with daily life, like trying to hang out with Solomon for at least a few hours every night. November is always a crazy time of the year work wise. I always look forward to Thanksgiving when it seems to let up some . Oh yeah, and we always have the bar to keep us busy.. all of the stupid permits and licenses that I swear are made up to create jobs are due at this time of the year. You've probably never stepped into a bar and realized just how many forms and licenses are required for the doors to remain open. It's really ridiculous. Never a slow moment around here. We do love our new house and are excited to spend the holidays in it (and maybe finally get it arranged the way we want it). I don't think we're going to travel anywhere this year and we're very excited about that! Yea! We can get some much needed relaxation.
Just a few highlights since September.. Our little guy was easily the cutest fire fighter ever on Halloween. We went to a nearby fire station and they pulled an engine out and let him climb all over it. He loved it and looked so sweet in his little costume. He talked about that forever.

Alex took the following picture in our backyard just before we moved. It's pretty cute and shows off our little boy's goofy side pretty well.

We've been taking Solomon to "micro basketball" at the YMCA. He might be a little young for it as his focus is more out than in, but he likes to pass and he likes it when I play keep away. He also likes to lick the ball! Gross, but what do you do? He's three, not exactly ready for the NBA!
We have had so many friends have babies lately.. I think we know of five babies in the last two months. That's more than we've seen in years at the same time... Pretty cool to hold all of these little ones. I've been thinking about our friends Ben and Melissa a lot lately. They had Ronin a few weeks ago. He's still in the NICU as he decided to come a bit too early. We hope he gets out soon.
We are hosting Thanksgiving in a few days! I can't wait. It should be a lot of fun. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New House, B-day Boy, etc...

So, the big news in our world is that we have bought a new house! We are really excited. Now, just say some prayers that we sell our current one! :) More details to come on the new house.
Solomon is just showing off his new haircut in the picture below. The other big news is that Solomon turns three on Wednesday! It's really hard for me to believe it's been 3 years! We had the family and friends bash on Sunday.
Below: My mom and Kandi continued their tradition of making Solomon's cakes. I think this cake turned out fabulous as always. The brim of the hat is actually a cookie cake and the rest of it is a chocolate cake! Pretty fun and inventive. Solomon loves Curious George, so it was a perfect fit for him.
Below: A picture I snapped of the b-day boy after most of the mayhem was over... note the chocolate residue on his shirt...Below: Solomon surrounded by some of the gifts.. He loves change and putting it into piggy banks as well as taking it out.. He got a few of those and they proved to be his favorite of the day.Below: Solomon trying out his new red wagon from Kathy, Gary, Debbie and Jare. He's a bit rough with it, so it's a good thing they bought the red flyer.. :) I know that you'll all be shocked to know that he's a little bit of a crazy driver! :) It was a fun day.. all of the kids seemed to have fun jumping on the blow up thing and running around. His school birthday party is this week. More photos to come. Mom and Kandi prepared mini cupcakes for that one.
BTW, this morning I asked Solomon what his favorite thing about his birthday party was and he replied, "Zoe". I thought that was so cute. He just loves his cousin!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

National Coverage!

Our bar, Kirby's Beer Store was featured in the July issue of Playboy Magazine as one of the top Dive Bars in the country! We were pretty excited about it, but have no idea how they decided upon us. The article was really part of a larger story talking about the best bars in the country and best late-night eating spots.
Also, one of the local TV stations did a story on it:

Hotness in July!

After the 4th, Alex and I took off for a four day trip to Missouri without Solomon. We started at his brother's house in Ozark and then went to the Big Cedar Lodge just outside of Branson. It really is a beautiful place. The town of Branson isn't exactly our "cup of tea" to say the least, but perhaps if we were 40 years older it would be. :) It was a lot fun.

Below is Alex refusing to take a normal photo with his margarita. We had the best Mexican meal at Cantina Laredo. Good stuff.

Below is a photo from outside of our hotel room. Very pretty area.

Below are two photos of crazy Branson shows... The Dogs onboard the Titanic show is the weirdest one I saw... Yakov is the staple and has the goofiest sign, so I had to take a photo before "Lauging my Yakov". Below is a photo of Rhanda, Cherie and I. We met up just after I came back from Branson. It was so fun to see both of them. We had some good laughs.

Alex, Solomon and I went to KC this past weekend to visit his mom and sister and brother-in-law. Below is a picture of my friend Cherie's son, Eli, with Solomon watching some Curious George. I think it's pretty cute.Alex's old friend, Adam, also stopped by with his wife, Alyssa, and their son, Asher. Asher and Solomon took a bath together! It was so cute. I don't have the picture available.. sorry. I suggested that Adam and Alex take a bath too, but it didn't fly... :)
Below, are some random photos of Solomon. I love the one below of him with Alex's softball hat.
A few last things.. videos of Solomon being cute.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day and Other Stuff

Solomon loves blowing bubbles and gets very mad when I won't let him hold the container, so mad, that at some point I typically just give in and then the bubbles end up spilled on the ground! Below is a typical meal for Solomon... not the most graceful eater on the planet.
Solomon and Coco continue to be BFFs.
I spent half of Saturday at a music festival that our bar sponsored. Thanks to Stephanie and Bevan for coming out to help us out. We had a good time people watching.
We had a great Father's Day. Alex played a couple of softball games in the blazing heat and I did stuff around the house. We also went to my parents' house for dinner. My mom made some amazing lasagna... regular for all of us and diary free for Alex, Jimmy and Solomon. They said it was super good too. I'm loving the leftovers as well. Solomon was super excited for Zoe to chauffeur him around in the Corvette.
Zoe is soooo my niece.. I love the poses. Of course Solomon is just reaching to turn off the car. He loves to do this and it just annoys Zoe.
Riding off..
A short video of Zoe and Solomon driving around.

Okay, so I'm just SURE that Solomon is sooo smart. Look how well he draws an apple in this video.

Welcome to Kelly's world!!!